Group Overview 2023

Our model

In 2022, the InVivo group began the co-construction of its "2030 by InVivo" strategic plan, with its employees, member cooperatives and stakeholders. The company values this way of working, which favours collective thinking and collaboration. As part of this plan, the group has defined a three-year project called "Growing together", rolled out by major business vertical. The objective over the next three years is to improve InVivo's transparency, clarify its organisation and the breakdown of its activities and lay the framework for its long-term performance. Let's take a close look at the "Growing together" project with Thierry Blandinières, the Chief Executive Officer.

What does "Growing together" mean?

"Growing together 24-27" is a three-year plan that reflects our determination to strengthen our competitiveness and focus on how our businesses performance and what we know best. Now that Soufflet has been integrated, and we have made the structural and transformative acquisitions set out in our "2030 by InVivo" strategic plan, we have a strong and stable foundation and a new scale. A foundation that has enabled us to shift gear into a cross-functional approach with verticality in supply chains, acting in and controlling the entire value chain, from field to fork. Looking at our scope and assets as a whole, we have to decide, for some business lines, whether to maintain them or to explore the idea of partnerships. This is what we did in early 2022 with the sale of Vivien Paille (a brand specialising in pulses, cereals and rice) to Avril, one of our long-term partners. Because the long-term aim is to create European and international champions in the French agri-food sector and to build organisations capable of coping simultaneously with global competition and geopolitical uncertainties that have major consequences (the Russian-Ukrainian war being a painful reminder of this), climatic and environmental challenges and demographic growth. We're well aware of the scale of the challenge, and we're ready to tackle it.