Group Overview 2023

Our model

What does this mean for our employees?

Growing together also means setting a course, creating a vision and laying down benchmarks. It means uniting around common and shared objectives. It means knowing where we're going and why. Beyond these fine ideas, we strongly believe that building a relationship of trust, making people proud and showing gratitude are all essential to achieving these objectives. Our partnership with the Rugby World Cup 2023 is a perfect illustration of this. We have rallied people around a single project, promoted our business lines, revamped the image of Ferme France through our "Growing victories." advertising campaign and got our employees and cooperatives on board through a number of dedicated initiatives. This is how we operate. We are transparent about objectives and collectively we strive to achieve them.

The logo of our project testifies to this. When there is a lineout in rugby, the team has to line up with just one thought: regaining possession of the ball.

What does this mean for our member cooperatives?

At the initiative of our Chairman, Jérôme Calleau, we have set up an inclusive, collegial governance that is very committed to defining our main strategic direction. With the same aim of strengthening our governance, in the first half of 2023 its members will receive tailor-made training to hone their skills in key issues related to the functioning and duties of a board of directors. Growing together also means this.

Thanks to this representative governance of our 174 cooperative member partners, we can confirm that our decisions reflect their interests. The "Growing together" project aims to involve them even more, with the specific goal of building supply chains for wheat, barley, etc.

What does this mean for our business lines?


We will cultivate the uniqueness of our business model and build a differentiated and differentiating offering backed by industrial development and production tools, as well as digital services that facilitate the farmer’s daily life on their farm.

International trade

French agriculture is export-oriented. It is our role to add value to it. We will strengthen our position as a European leader serving our supply chains, our cooperative partners and our strategic customers.


The French agri-food sector has immense potential, both in France and internationally. It is up to us to transform our tools, to act as a link between upstream agriculture and distribution, and create synergies and bridges between our businesses to meet the expectations of this sector.


We want to create a global distribution network of garden centres, bakeries and food shops while also building sustainable and local supply chains – embodied in particular by the Louise bakeries brand – in synergy with other businesses of the group.


Innovation does not happen on command. It has to come from the business lines and reflect a need that emanates from the bottom up. Its necessity and effectiveness has to be demonstrated through experimentation and testing, and its ability to create value has to be proven. For example, we have a real role to play in decarbonising supply chains. This is one of our five major CSR objectives. We now need to put together successful initiatives in each business line and show that they are consistent. These initiatives reflect a sound approach to supply chains, comparable to what has already been put in place with the cross-functional project "Sowing Good Sense" (see p.38).

What does this mean for our stakeholders?

We will simplify our structure and make it more transparent and more logical, especially for our ecosystem. At the end of this three-year plan, we must be ready to embark on a new phase in our development. To be convincing and to have the means to implement it, we have to be able to rely on an accessible organisation that is readily understood.