Group Overview 2023

Our activities


Simplifying daily life for farmers

As Europe's leading cereals purchaser, Soufflet Agriculture also specialises in agricultural supplies and agronomic expertise. These three complementary businesses enable us to offer farmers, production chains and agri-food industries competitive, low-carbon, innovative products and services that are in line with their needs.

Key figures as at 30 June 2023
  • 1720employees
  • 8countries
Agricultural supplies

Soufflet Agriculture is spearheading the latest technologies for a more sustainable and resilient form of agriculture. Precision agriculture, cropping systems, plant breeding solutions, plant protection and plant nutrition combine to ensure that entrepreneurs who work with living organisms have the tools and services to help transition to a more sustainable and resilient form of agriculture.

Purchase and storage of cereals and oilseed crops

As Europe's leading cereals collector, Soufflet Agriculture also selects, multiplies and produces seeds for field crops (cereals, oilseeds, protein crops), in particular Soufflet Seeds-branded hybrid seeds. The cereals collected are then stored in 257 silos throughout France and abroad, for use by downstream processing facilities (including Moulins Soufflet and Malteries Soufflet) or exported by Soufflet Négoce by InVivo.

"My role is to manage the collection, storage and dispatch of cereals and oilseeds for our customers, following very strict specifications for each supply chain. "
Jean-Michel Zen,
Head of Silo at Pézarches.
logo souffiet agriculture
  • Sale of inputs
  • Production, purchase and storage of cereals and oilseeds
  • Agronomic expertise