Group Overview 2023

Our activities


InVivo is present in Russia and Ukraine, which alone account for 30% of global wheat exports, 24% of barley exports and 20% of maize exports.

Since the start of the conflict, the group has prioritised providing security and day-to-day support for local teams through the roll-out of a crisis unit, the relocation of families based in Ukraine, welcoming them to France or a neighbouring country and maintaining salary levels.

The consequences of this conflict on food and animal feed are also reflected in the fall in production, export volumes and international cereal supplies. Soufflet Agriculture has responded by introducing a system of bartering inputs for cereals in Ukraine, while at the same time endeavouring to support local agriculture.


Both a mobile app and a digital platform, Farmi provides free support for farmers as they manage their supplies and operations. Launched in 2017, the Farmi app offers a range of services, including crop monitoring via a mapping interface, weather data sharing, silo opening times, the option of selling crops online, and monitoring contracts and deliveries.

In addition, the agricultural e-commerce site, was launched in 2021, offering products and services for use by professionals, including purchasing seeds and fertilisers, viewing agricultural prices and markets in real time, etc.