Group Overview 2023

Our activities

Building a value-creating wheat supply chain

Committed to the agricultural and food transition, Episens is involved in the development of sustainable supply chains that, by promoting biodiversity, soil fertility and reducing carbon footprint, meet the expectations of customers and consumers alike. Focus on four innovative projects.

Semons du Sens

Episens is committed to the sector's agricultural and food transition via the Semons du Sens initiative, which is supported by the InVivo group. One of its objectives is to roll out a sustainable, low-carbon product range by:

  • producing flours from sustainable supply chains for Moulins Soufflet;
  • sourcing sustainable wheat and developing Clean Label solutions for AIT Ingredients;
  • developing recipes using sustainable wheat flour and responsible ingredients for Neuhauser.

Each business is therefore involved in this cross-functional, positive-impact approach at its own level.

AIT Ingredients launches the Switch Easy range of substitution solutions

Against a backdrop of major geopolitical tension and rising raw material prices, AIT Ingredients has responded to the supply constraints facing its industrial customers by offering them alternative ingredients. Launched in October 2022, the Switch Easy range includes three solutions for replacing some of the eggs, flours and emulsifiers in certain recipes without compromising on quality or taste.

Moulins Soufflet inaugurates the Corbeil mill

Commissioned in early 2023, the new mill will be housed in a five-storey building equipped with the latest milling technology and innovations. Fully automated, computerised, connected and digitalised, it will produce a diversified range of flours, from T38 extra white flour to T65, while meeting strict quality, safety and energy management standards.

Neuhauser in Folschviller relaunches its second production site

In September 2023, Neuhauser's industrial baked goods and viennoiserie production site in Folschviller officially reopened its second site after a four-year shut-down. With this reopening, the site's total production capacity has increased by almost 40%, from 65,000 tonnes to 90,000  tonnes. The additional 25,000  tonnes of raw viennoiserie will make it possible to reclaim the market of artisan bakers, with the aim of taking 20% of the market within three years. Over the next five years, Neuhauser aims to reach total production of 300,000 tonnes, compared with 200,000 tonnes in 2023. The ultimate aim of intensifying its indus-trial baking output in this way is to support and promote French agricultural production.