Group Overview 2023

Our governance

The InVivo group epitomises the excellence and expertise of French agriculture in France and abroad. Since the launch in 2014 of its first strategic plan, "2025 by InVivo", the group has changed significantly. Under the chairmanship of Philippe Mangin, followed by Jérôme Calleau, who succeeded him in January 2023, its area of activity was expanded, its business lines divided into four main verticals and its governance restructured to adapt to this change of scale.

Jérôme Calleau, Chairman of InVivo, reveals his vision of the group's ambitions in this interview and explains how its new governance model makes the interests of cooperatives a central pillar of its decision-making process, to ensure that it grows and becomes more sustainable.

How has the Union InVivo changed since 2014?

The Union InVivo is, as its name suggests, a union of French agricultural cooperatives. It was created with the aim of providing resources and added value to its member cooperatives by supporting them as they carry out their activities. The Union now includes 174 member cooperatives right across France.

In 2014, the group – which includes the Union and its commercial activities – formalised the launch of its first strategic plan, "2025 by InVivo". Since then, it has grown exponentially, thanks to the joint efforts of the governance bodies, the Executive Committee and all employees. With the acquisition of the Soufflet Group, which we completed in December 2021, InVivo has grown to become Europe's leading agricultural cooperative group.

Its renewed economic strength means it can tackle the environmental and demographic challenges facing the agricultural world with equanimity, while demonstrating its resilience in times of crisis. InVivo now has the technical, financial and human resources to compete effectively in Europe and around the world, while also innovating and transforming French agricultural production models, thus protecting France's food security and sovereignty.